Synthesis, characterization and properties of a glycol-coordinated ε-Keggin-type Al13 chloride

by B. Gu, C. Sun, J. C. Fettinger, W. H. Casey, A. Dikhtiarenko, J. Gascon, K. Koichumanova, K. B. S. S. Gupta, H. J. Heeres, S. He
Year: 2018 ISSN: DOI: 10.1039/C8CC01363B


B. Gu, C. Sun, J. C. Fettinger, W. H. Casey, A. Dikhtiarenko, J. Gascon, K. Koichumanova, K. B. S. S. Gupta, H. J. Heeres and S. He. ChemComm 54 (2018) 4148-4151. Synthesis, characterization and properties of a glycol-coordinated ε-Keggin-type Al13 chloride.


​Herein we present the first example of a glycol-coordinated ε- Keggin Al13 chloride (gl-ε-Al13), which is the first chelated version since discovery of Al13 in 1960. The molecular structure consists of [AlO4Al12(OH)12(OC2H4OH)12]Cl7·H2O units with chelating mono- anionic ethylene glycol units replacing one bridging and one terminal oxygen site.​

