Selective Gold Recovery and Catalysis in a Highly Flexible Methionine-Decorated Metal-Organic Framework

by M. Mon, T. Grancha, J. Ferrando-Soria, J. Gascon, A. Leyva, D. Armentano, E. Pardo
Year: 2016 ISSN: DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b04635


M. Mon, T. Grancha, J. Ferrando-Soria, J. Gascon, A. Leyva, D. Armentano, E. Pardo, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138 (2016) 7864-7867, Selective Gold Recovery and Catalysis in a Highly Flexible Methionine-Decorated Metal-Organic Framework


​A novel chiral 3D bioMOF exhibiting functional channels with thio-alkyl chains derived from the natural amino acid l-methionine (1) has been rationally prepared. The well-known strong affinity of gold for sulfur derivatives, together with the extremely high flexibility of the thioether “arms” decorating the channels, account for a selective capture of gold(III) and gold(I) salts in the presence of other metal cations typically found in electronic wastes. The X-ray single-crystal structures of the different gold adsorbates AuIII@1 and AuI@1 suggest that the selective metal capture occurs in a metal ion recognition process somehow mimicking what happens in biological systems and protein receptors. Both AuIII@1 and AuI@1 display high activity as heterogeneous catalyst for the hydroalkoxylation of alkynes, further expanding the application of these novel hybrid materials.
